Our OpenTopography project was honored at this year's AGU with the Open Science Recognition prize: "For outstanding contributions in cyberinfrastructure, data management, training, and outreach associated with open-access high-resolution topography." It is a great honor and nice reognition for more than 15 years of work by our team. Huge thanks to Roman DiBiase for leading the nomination and for the letter writers Mike Oskin, Paola Passalacqua, and Josh Roering.
Chelsea Scott and Chris Crosby made a nice presentation summarizing our efforts. The recording is here: link.
It was also nice to meet the other winner, Tasha Snow and appreciate her efforts. In particular, I really appreciated her articulation of Open Science values (image from her presentation):
The full award ceremony is recorded here: link.
Here are a couple of pictures of our team:
Other links:
OpenTopography news release: link
And we celebrated with the other ASU / SESE awardees (Vernon Morris and Everett Shock):