At the Fall AGU 2013, I presented a summary of work done by Emma Gleeman (Brown) and Sarah Zibart (Western Kentucky University) along with Amanda Clarke (ASU) and Fabrizio Alfano (ASU) as part of the Research Experience for Undergraduates: Landscape evolution in a monogenetic volcanic field led by Nancy Riggs at NAU and supported by the US National Science Foundation. Among other things, we used the 2D non linear diffusion code developed by Mattia de’ Michieli Vitturi (de’ Michieli Vitturi and Arrowsmith, Two-dimensional nonlinear diffusive numerical simulation of geomorphic modifications to cinder cones, Earth Surf. Process. Landforms (2013) and built on our good collaborations with Mattia.
Here is the presentation: pptx

Picture from the Autokite
Conclusions include:
- Agglutinate is important in controlling cinder cone topographic development
- Not extremely important for h/w ratios (age approximation)
- Significant in controlling slope histogram
- High resolution topography is required for good characterization of slope distributions, esp. for cones with agglutinated tops
- 2D non-transport-limited linear diffusion and 1D production-limited linear diffusion models reasonably captured evolution of both agglutinated and non-agglutinated cones
- Laboratory experiments agreed with histogram evolution predicted by numerical modeling for both agglutinated and non-agglutinated cones
- Additional process rules (short range sheetwash, fluvial, and debris flow) of scoria and aeolian material is a next step