I am organizing for a presentation to my research group on fault scarp analysis. This is an ongoing obsession of mine. I have blogged about this topic here with some review. That is still a pretty good summary of things. I also have a couple of relevant Landers Earthquake posts here and here. And, we applied many of the relevant tools to analysis of cinder cone forms.
The 2017 post mentioned above is still a pretty good summary of things. However, the MATLAB-based guis for Penck1D and Scarpdater are not running well now on newer versions of MATLAB; they need an overhaul. We were really into guis back then but they require so much code relative to the actual modeling. Might be cool to rewrite in Jupyter notebooks, maybe see how much in landlab could be used.
I have prepared a new review powerpoint (PPT and PDF) with this outline:
- Introduction and review
- Diffusion-equation analysis of scarplike landforms
- Observations
- Direct dating of fault scarps
- Fault scarp erosion monitoring
- Modeling
- Distributed deformation
- Transport vs. Production limited
- Extending processes 2D and nonlinear diffusion
- Prospects and cautions
Additional resources for my lecture include:
- Excel spreadsheet for diffusion: .xls
- Simple MATLAB scripts for diffusion modeling; see also this link.
- MATLAB script and functions for exploring 2D non linear diffusion of fault scarps (from de Michieli Vitturi, M. and Arrowsmith, J R., 2013)
Some other useful web links include:
- Geodetic survey of a fault scarp (GETSI curriculum at SERC)
- Workshop on Applications of High Resolution Topography to Geologic Hazards in Utah; this has a few interesting ideas and examples about fault scarps and shorelines in Utah where there is more and more high quality lidar topography