Monday, September 2, 2013

Short Course at LIPI : Techniques in Active Tectonic Study

In July 2013, Gayatri Marliyani and I taught a short course at LIPI in Bandung, Indonesia on Techniques in Active Tectonic study. I put together almost 30 lectures on various topics in active tectonics, neotectonics, tectonic geomorphology, paleoseismology, earthquake geology, and related topics. Special thanks to Mudrik Daryono (course coordinator for LIPI/ITB/GREAT), Irwan Meilano (ITB/GREAT), Danny Hilman Natawidjaja (LIPI/GREAT), Eko Yulianto (LIPI/GREAT), and the participants.

Gayatri built a nice website with all of the freely available lectures and other course content. We also recorded most of the lectures and they are on youtube.

The course web site is: Look under the schedule link for the lectures and the link for some exercise content.

Group picture on field trip along the Lembang Fault.

Exploring topographic response to interacting surface processes and rock uplift: the Dragon's Back Pressure Ridge along the San Andreas Fault, Carrizo Plain, CA

The Dragon's Back Pressure Ridge is an amazing landform along the San Andreas Fault in the Carrizo Plain of California. A recent paper in Science by Hurst, et al. examined it to explore how hillslope form might be used to indicate waxing and waning responses to a pulse of rock uplift. George Hilley (a coauthor on the recent paper) and I along with David Pollard and Dallas D. Rhodes have spent more than 20 years pondering and exploring the Dragon's Back. With this blog entry I want to highlight a few links for more information.

This is the main published paper on the Dragon's Back up to now: Hilley, G. E., and Arrowsmith J R., Geomorphic response to uplift along the Dragon's Back pressure ridge, Carrizo Plain, California, Geology, v. 36; no. 5; p. 367–370; doi: 10.1130/G24517A.1, 2008.

Ph.D. theses:

  • Arrowsmith, JR, 1995, Coupled Tectonic Deformation and Geomorphic Degrada tion along the San Andreas Fault Zone [Dissertation thesis]: Stanford, Stanford University.
  • Hilley, G. E., 2001, Landscape development of tectonically active areas [Dissertation thesis]: Arizona State University.

Hillshades and digital elevation model (B4 project data processed by OpenTopography):

Other links:

The digital elevation models that enabled much of the analysis discussed here come from the B4 project and the data and models are available from OpenTopography.
The B4 project created an unprecedentedly accurate surface model along the San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults in southern California that enabled the research reported here. It was supported by the U. S. National Science Foundation and led by Ohio State University and the U. S. Geological Survey. The National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping performed the airborne data acquisition and laser data processing. Optech International generously contributed use of the ALTM3100 laser scanner system. UNAVCO and SCIGN assisted in GPS ground control and continuous high rate GPS data acquisition. A group of volunteers from USGS, UCSD, UCLA, Caltech and private industry, as well as gracious landowners along the fault zones, also made the project possible.