In July 2013, Gayatri Marliyani and I taught a short course at LIPI in Bandung, Indonesia on Techniques in Active Tectonic study. I put together almost 30 lectures on various topics in active tectonics, neotectonics, tectonic geomorphology, paleoseismology, earthquake geology, and related topics. Special thanks to Mudrik Daryono (course coordinator for LIPI/ITB/GREAT), Irwan Meilano (ITB/GREAT), Danny Hilman Natawidjaja (LIPI/GREAT), Eko Yulianto (LIPI/GREAT), and the participants.
Gayatri built a nice website with all of the freely available lectures and other course content. We also recorded most of the lectures and they are on youtube.
The course web site is: Look under the schedule link for the lectures and the link for some exercise content.
Group picture on field trip along the Lembang Fault.