I have been playing around with video production for science explanation and tutorials since some efforts in graduate school for the The Stanford Rock Fracture Project. Lately, I have generated many tutorial and lecture videos and pushed then to my youtube site: jrarrowsmith youtube. There are also many videos, some have been viewed more than 10,000 times on the OpenTopography youtube site.
My friend Merri Lisa Trigilio is a geoscientist who is now in the Film program at Montana State University. It has been fun to talk to her about filmmaking and we will work together in the coming weeks on a video project. Stay tuned for updates. I the meantime, have a look at the Life on Terra website--run by the film students at MSU.
As part of a Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) and OpenTopography collaboration, Sarah Robinson (former ASU M.S. student) and Andrew Whitesides (USC undergraduate) - supported by SCEC's ACCESS program (Advancement of Cyberinfrastructure Careers through Earthquake System Science) and in collaboration with numerous SCEC scientists and the OpenTopography team - produced a new educational video entitled LiDAR - Illuminating Earthquake Hazards. The video provides an introduction to both LiDAR technology as well as the earthquake science that is being done with the data.